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The Art of the App Store
The Art of the App Store

It takes more than a great idea to succeed at iPhone and iPad app development.This indispensible guide provides an in-depth look into the perils and potential of the iPhone and iPad app landscape. The Art of the App Store presents tried and tested methods for competitive research, findingyour niche, understanding customer expectations, setting goals and milestones, and managing app development from concept to post-launch. You will find guidelines for developing and pricing your app using the most up-to-date trends, a plan for viral marketing using social networks, metric tracking, taking advantage of feedback, and much more. ...
Practical AI on the Google Cloud Platform
Practical AI on the Google Cloud Platform

Working with AI is complicated and expensive for many developers. That's why cloud providers have stepped in to make it easier, offering free (or affordable) state-of-the-art models and training tools to get you started. With this book, you'll learn how to use Google's AI-powered cloud services to do everything from creating a chatbot to analyzing text, images, and video. Author Micheal Lanham demonstrates methods for building and training models step-by-step and shows you how to expand your models to accomplish increasingly complex tasks. If you have a good grasp of math and the Python language, you'll quickly get up to speed with Google Cloud Platform, whether you want to build an AI assistant or a simple business AI application. Learn key concepts for data science, machine learning, and deep learning; Explore tools like Video AI and AutoML Tables; Build a simple language processor using deep learning systems; Perform image recognition using CNNs, transfer learning, and GANs; U ...
The Art of Mac Malware
The Art of Mac Malware

Defenders must fully understand how malicious software works if they hope to stay ahead of the increasingly sophisticated threats facing Apple products today. The Art of Mac Malware: The Guide to Analyzing Malicious Software is a comprehensive handbook to cracking open these malicious programs and seeing what's inside. Discover the secrets of nation state backdoors, destructive ransomware, and subversive cryptocurrency miners as you uncover their infection methods, persistence strategies, and insidious capabilities. Then work with and extend foundational reverse-engineering tools to extract and decrypt embedded strings, unpack protected Mach-O malware, and even reconstruct binary code. Next, using a debugger, you'll execute the malware, instruction by instruction, to discover exactly how it operates. In the book's final section, you'll put these lessons into practice by analyzing a complex Mac malware specimen on your own. A former NSA hacker and current leader in the field of ma ...
The Art of Agile Development
The Art of Agile Development

The Art of Agile Development contains practical guidance for anyone considering or applying agile development for building valuable software. Plenty of books describe what agile development is or why it helps software projects succeed, but very few combine information for developers, managers, testers, and customers into a single package that they can apply directly. This book provides no-nonsense advice on agile planning, development, delivery, and management taken from the authors' many years of experience with Extreme Programming (XP). You get a gestalt view of the agile development process, including comprehensive guidance for non-technical readers and hands-on technical practices for developers and testers. ...
The Art of Application Performance Testing
The Art of Application Performance Testing

This practical book provides a step-by-step approach to testing mission - critical applications for scalability and performance before they're deployed - a vital topic to which other books devote one chapter, if that. Businesses today live and die by network applications and web services. Because of the increasing complexity of these programs, and the pressure to deploy them quickly, many professionals don't take the time to ensure that they'll perform well and scale effectively. The Art of Application Performance Testing explains the complete life cycle of the testing process, and demonstrates best practices to help you plan, gain approval for, coordinate, and conduct performance tests on your applications. ...
The Art of Concurrency
The Art of Concurrency

If you're looking to take full advantage of multi-core processors with concurrent programming, this practical book provides the knowledge and hands-on experience you need. The Art of Concurrency is one of the few resources to focus on implementing algorithms in the shared-memory model of multi-core processors, rather than just theoretical models or distributed-memory architectures. The book provides detailed explanations and usable samples to help you transform algorithms from serial to parallel code, along with advice and analysis for avoiding mistakes that programmers typically make when first attempting these computations. ...
The Art of Debugging
The Art of Debugging

Debugging is crucial to successful software development, but even many experienced programmers find it challenging. Sophisticated debugging tools are available, yet it may be difficult to determine which features are useful in which situations. The Art of Debugging is your guide to making the debugging process more efficient and effective. The Art of Debugging illustrates the use three of the most popular debugging tools on Linux/Unix platforms: GDB, DDD, and Eclipse. The text-command based GDB (the GNU Project Debugger) is included with most distributions. DDD is a popular GUI front end for GDB, while Eclipse provides a complete integrated development environment. ...
The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Edition
The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Edition

Assembly is a low-level programming language that's one step above a computer's native machine language. Although assembly language is commonly used for writing device drivers, emulators, and video games, many programmers find its somewhat unfriendly syntax intimidating to learn and use. Since 1996, Randall Hyde's The Art of Assembly Language has provided a comprehensive, plain-English, and patient introduction to 32-bit x86 assembly for non-assembly programmers. ...
The Art of R Programming
The Art of R Programming

R is the world's most popular language for developing statistical software: Archaeologists use it to track the spread of ancient civilizations, drug companies use it to discover which medications are safe and effective, and actuaries use it to assess financial risks and keep economies running smoothly. The Art of R Programming takes you on a guided tour of software development with R, from basic types and data structures to advanced topics like closures, recursion, and anonymous functions. No statistical knowledge is required, and your programming skills can range from hobbyist to pro. ...
Hacking, 2nd Edition
Hacking, 2nd Edition

Hacking is the art of creative problem solving, whether that means finding an unconventional solution to a difficult problem or exploiting holes in sloppy programming. Many people call themselves hackers, but few have the strong technical foundation needed to really push the envelope. Rather than merely showing how to run existing exploits, author Jon Erickson explains how arcane hacking techniques actually work. To share the art and science of hacking in a way that is accessible to everyone, Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition introduces the fundamentals of C programming from a hacker's perspective. ...
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